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Thurs, Sept.14                     THE BOOKSMITH

San Francisco, CA                     Live in-person interview with Sean Michaels for his new novel,

                                             "Do You Remember Being Born?"  Details TBA

Sat, Oct. 7                 THE WRITING SALON

San Francisco, CA           THE JANE UNDERWOOD PRIZE: reading for 2022's winner,

                                      Purvi Shah, with Julie Bruck and Erin Rodoni., 5PM

                                      Seating is limited, so an RSVP is suggested!


                            2020-22 (THE MISSING YEARS)


Sat, February 27 , 2021           CENTRE DES ARTS DE STANSTEAD  

Stanstead, Quebec                    Zoom Reading with Nigel Thomas, 2PM EST (11AM PST)

                                             Watch video here:

Sat, February 27 , 2021             QUEBEC WRITER'S FEDERATION

Montreal, QC                           "Joel & Me: An Appreciation of a Kind"

                                              Panelist-contributor in a tribute to a dear friend.

                                                     Watch video here:





Fri, Sept. 13                       BLACK BIRD BOOKSTORE

San Francisco, CA              Reading with Beau Beausoleil at the launch of his new collection.

                                        7PM, 4033 Judah St, Outer Sunset, SF


Sun, July 14                       POETRY FLASH READING SERIES

Oakland, CA                        Joint reading with Robin Behn

                                         3PM, East Bay Booksellers, 5433 College Avenue, Oakland




Tues, June 11                   COASTSIDE POETRY SERIES
Half Moon Bay, CA             Reading with Ryan Warren

                                       7PM, Cafe Society, 522 Main St, Half Moon Bay, CA


Sat. May 18                       ALLEY CAT BOOKS       

San Francisco, CA               with Liz Harmer, Blair Hurley, and Laura Ritland

                                                 7PM, 3036 24th St,



May 4* & 5**                    BLUE METROPOLIS FESTIVAL

Montreal, QC                  

                                         1) THE WORDS AND MUSIC SHOW

                                         Montreal's longest-running literary variety show. With Melanie Mununggurr-      

                                         Williams, Liz Howard, Kaie Kellough, Julie Bruck, & Ian Ferrier      


                                                           2) BRICK BOOKS LAUNCH with Susan Elmslie, Susan Gillis,

                                         & Darren Bifford.

                                         1PM, Sunday, May 5, Librairie Paragraphe, 2220 McGill College


Mon, April 29                     THE COMMON READINGS  

Toronto, ON                       with Kathryn Mockler and Mary Germaine.

                                        7PM, Campbell House Museum, 160 Queen St. W



Weds, April 3                      GREEN APPLE BOOKS ON THE PARK

San Francisco, CA                Fire relief benefit reading with Maw Shein Win, Kim Shuck, Lisa 

                                         Rosenberg, Barbara Berman and Rebecca Foust.   


Sun, March 10                   DREAM INSTITUTE OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA   

Berkeley, CA                           Afternoon of reading & conversation

                                         3PM , 1672 University Ave






Weds, September 12, 2018    GREEN APPLE BOOKS ON THE PARK
San Francisco, CA                Launch Celebration for HOW TO AVOID HUGE SHIPS!
                                         7:30PM, 1231 Ninth Ave, Inner Sunset,

Weds/Fri, Oct 17 &19,         VANCOUVER WRITERS FESTIVAL
Vancouver, BC                     Granville Island 


                                           *EVENT 29- GOOD WEEDS, Wednesday, October 17, 8:30 pm,

                                            Performance Works:



                                           *EVENT 55- PURELY POETRY,  Friday, October 19,

                                           1:00 pm—2:30pm,   Studio 1398: 


                                           *EVENT 60- THE POETRY BASH, Friday, October 19, 8:00 pm,             
                                            Performance Works:



                                              *Please click individual links for full line-up of readers

Weds, October 24, 2018        THE WORD BOOKSTORE,  
Montreal, QC                        7:30PM, 469 Milton St.

                                          Guest reader at Susan Gillis's launch.


Sun, Oct. 28                        OTTAWA INTERNATIONAL WRITERS FESTIVAL

Ottawa, ON                         & PLAN 99 reading with Hana Shafi, Paul Vermeersch

                                         and Deanna Young

                                         5:00PM, Manx Pub, 370 Elgin St.



Thursday, Nov 1, 2018          BEN MCNALLY BOOKS
Toronto, ON                         Reading with Deanna Young & Susan Gillis                 
                                         6:00-8PM (sharp), 366 Bay St.

Saturday, Nov 3                    WORDSFEST
London, ON                         12PM Readings and conversation with Tom Cull and Deanna                                                  Young. (Workshop details TBA)


Fri, Nov.9, 2018                   PETE'S CANDY STORE 

Brooklyn, NY                        Pete's Big Salmon Poetry Reading Series

                                          Reading with Gerry LaFemina, and Valerie Wallace

                                          7:00PM, 709 Lorimer St, Williamsburg, Brooklyn


Mon, Nov.26, 2018               SACRAMENTO POETRY CENTER
Sacramento, CA                   Reading with Susan Kelly-DeWitt, hosted by Tim Kahl

                                                   7:30PM, 1719 25th St.



                 A LOOK BACK AT 2012 through 2017:

Enormous thanks to Brick Books, and to all the hosts and sponsors (especially The Canada Council for the Arts, The League of Canadian Poets, and all the universities, bookstores, libraries, festivals, and independent reading series) that offered Monkey Ranch and its author the opportunity to read in so many venues from coast to coast. 

Coastside Poetry, Half Moon Bay, CA
Women on Writing Conference, Skyline College, CA
Wordwave Festival, South Lake Tahoe, CA
The Writing Salon, Berkeley, CA
Sacramento Poetry Center Conference, Sacramento, CA
Festival International de la Poésie, Trois-Rivieres, QC
99 Poems for the 99%--Booksmith, San Francisco, CA
Planet Earth Poetry, Victoria, BC
Art Bar Reading Series, Toronto,
University of Western Ontario, London, ONT
Poetry London, London, ONT
Redeemer University, Hamilton, ONT
GritLit Festival/ Hamilton Poetry Center, Hamilton, ONT
Gertrude & Harold Vanderbilt Visiting Writers Series, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, PEI
St. Mary’s University, Halifax, NS
St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, NS
Mount Allison University, Sackville, NB
University of New Brunswick’s Poetry Weekend, Fredericton, NB
Blue Metropolis Festival, Montreal, QC
Librairie Drawn & Quarterly, Montreal, QC
Poetry World Series, Mill Valley Public Library, Mill Valley, CA
San Francisco Center for the Book, SF, CA
Why There Are Words Reading Series,  Sausalito, CA
Atwater Library, Montreal, QC
Tree Reading Series, Ottawa, ONT
Novel Idea Bookstore, Kingston, Ont
Poetry Flash, Oakland, CA
The Booksmith (launch!), San Francisco, CA
San Francisco Zen Center, San Francisco, CA
The Great Overland Book Company, San Francisco, CA
Incite/Vancouver Writers Fest/VPL, Vancouver, BC


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